

The task force agreed on 5 overarching principles and 12 recommendations concerning use of conventional synthetic (cs) DMARDs, glucocorticoids (GCs), biological (b) DMARDs and biosimilar (bs) DMARDs) and targeted synthetic (ts) DMARDs. These updated EULAR recommendations provide consensus on the management of RA with respect to benefit, safety, preferences and cost.


Baseline to 3-year follow-up data were used from patients included in the DREAM remission induction cohort. In early RA patients treated according to T2T, radiographic progression appears to be an individually determined disease process, driven by factors other than consistent high disease activity.

概要:在甲氨蝶呤应答不充分的英夫利西单抗(IFX)初治类风湿关节炎患者中进行的这项多中心随机试验显示,根据基线血清TNFα水平调节IFX剂量的策略与IFX标准治疗方案(3 mg/kg)相比,并不能显著增加IFN停药1年后的持续缓解率。

In this multicentre randomised trial on patients with IFX-naïve rheumatoid arthritis with inadequate response to methotrexate, “programmed' infliximab (IFX) treatment strategy” (for which the dose of IFX was adjusted based on the baseline serum tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α)) did not statistically increase the sustained remission rate after 1 year discontinuation of IFX treatment compare with standard treatment with 3 mg/kg of IFX.

概要:对GO-NICE研究的一个亚组事后分析显示,约1/3的生物制剂初治强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者启动TNF抑制剂治疗时的疾病活动度低于当前推荐的阈值(BASDAI ≥4)。BASDAI介于2.8~4的患者用戈利木单抗治疗似乎能取得显著的获益。

This is a post hoc analysis of the noninterventional, prospective, GO-NICE study in the subgroup of biologic-naive AS treated with golimumab (GOL). TNFi treatment was initiated in almost a third of AS patients with lower disease activity states as assessed by BASDAI cutoff of≥4. Patients with a BASDAI between 2.8 and < 4 appeared to benefit significantly from GOL treatment.


Of 178 patients who initiated ustekinumab in the Corrona Psoriasis Registry and had 1 follow-up visit, 99 (55.6%) were classified as responders at the 6-month follow-up visit. Logistic regression modeling showed that increasing age was significantly associated with a decreased likelihood of achieving a response.

概要:VOYAGE-1、2研究中,古塞奇尤单抗连续治疗中重度银屑病患者3年,PASI 90为82.8%和77.2%,PASI100为50.8%和48.8%,IGA-0/1为82.1%和83.0%,IGA-0为53.1%和52.9%。156周的安全事件发生率与100周的情况一致。这提示古塞奇尤单抗连续治疗3年的疗效持久,安全性与之前保持一致。

Three-year response rates for the guselkumab group in VOYAGE 1 and VOYAGE 2, respectively, were 82.8% and 77.2% for PASI 90, 50.8% and 48.8% for PASI 100, 82.1% and 83.0% for IGA score of 0/1, and 53.1% and 52.9% for IGA score of 0. Safety event rates of week 156 and week 100 were consistent.Guselkumab shows durable efficacy and a consistent safety profile in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis treated for up to 3 years.


A total of 2803 patients treated with UST were identified from the National Health Insurance Service database from January 2012 to December 2018. SIR was 0.76 compared to that in the general population. This study showed that UST did not increase the risk of TB compared to that among the general population in a real-world clinical setting in South Korea. These results suggest that UST treatment does not require additional TB monitoring even in areas with high disease burden.
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